cz | eng | esp

I have the great fortune that, my whole life, I've been involved in something which is also my hobby - film. As a student, I was capable of watching five films a day. I've got hundreds of cassettes at home, since I hope that, one day, something will happen to force me to remain cooped up in my flat for several months and I'll be able to watch them all… I also like everything associated with it: I like reading (as a child I'd read one book a day and then I'd fall asleep in school the next day), I listen to music (I'm open to almost all genres and wouldn't be able to survive for very long, living and working in absolute silence), I'm interested in the theatre, architecture, the fine arts (I might one day return to my childhood love - painting)… The only thing which isn't directly associated with film is the travelling. My generation wasn't able to travel out of the country during the Communist era, and so now I can't get enough of it, being able to go wherever I want.


 [ Angkor 2001 ]
 [ Australie 2004 ]


I went abroad for the first time when I was about 12 - to Hungary to stay at a thermal spa near Miskolc. My parents sent me there (who'd never set foot out of the country during their lifetime) to chaparone and keep an eye on my older sister who'd gone out there with her future husband. While they slept in a tent, they locked me in the old car saying that it'd be warmer in there… Even so, it was a great experience for me to be among people who spoke (and looked, it seemed) differently from the way I did. By the time I was eighteen, I had also managed to visit Poland and Bulgaria, where I received the news about the Warsaw Pact armies invading Czechoslovakia. Disoriented and frightened, after a several-day journey hitch-hiking, my friend and I found ourselves in a refugee camp near Belgrade in Yugoslavia. Suffering from adolescent homesickness, missing our loved ones and aware of our approaching school-leaving exams, we took the first train back to our village as soon as the Czechoslovak borders re-opened...


 [ Irsko ]
 [ Los Angeles 1996 ]
 [ Markézy 1997 ]
French Polynesia


When it wasn't possible to travel to any other country except those within the "Socialist camp", I still tried to take any travel opportunity, even with these restrictions. As a student, I worked for the Youth Travel Office as a guide every summer holiday, thanks to which I managed to visit all the "friendly" countries, not only in Europe, but also Vietnam, Cuba and North Korea! I travelled right across the former Soviet Union and I've probably visited the country about fifty times! With this experience behind me, I was able to come to the wholly dependable conclusion that this was a terrible "camp" where people suffered from lack of dignity and freedom. This helped me acknowledge my maturity in a civil environment.


 [ Benátky 1989 ]
 [ Izrael 1991 ]


I have been really making use of my freedom since the "Velvet Revolution" in 1989. Every year I travel on at least two major trips to some fascinating corner of the globe and many shorter trips in Europe. I still can't fully comprehend the fact that, if I want to see a new musical on Broadway, or an interesting exhibition in Paris, it's just a question of money and nothing else.
I love the sea and the sun, I'm extremly fond of Italy, Spain, Thailand and Brazil, where I travel to write my screenplays.

If I sum up, to date I have visited 106 countries from every continent (except the Antarctica; for all that, I've been to some countries between 10 and 50 times!). I attempted to make a list of them all (omitting the countries I visited only in transit):


 [ Hawai 1996 ]
the Hawaiian Islands
 [ Dominikánská rep. 1993 ]
the Dominican Republic


Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belize, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma (Myarmar), Cambodia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile (incl. Easter Island), China (including Hong Kong), Croatia (incl. many of its islands), Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, England, Estonia, Finland, France, French Polynesia (incl. the Marquesas Islands, Bora-Bora etc.), Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece (incl. Crete and other islands), Guadaloupe, Guatemala, Holland, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy (incl. Sicily, Sardinia etc.), India, Indonesia, Israel, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Korea North, Korea South, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malaysia, Malta, Martinique, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldavia, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand (north and south), Norway, Oman, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal (incl. Madeira and Azores), Qatar, Réunion, Romania, Russia (incl. the Crimea, Siberia, Tataria, the Volga Basin, the Polar Circle etc.), San Marino, San Salvador, the Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (incl. all the islands), Sri Lanka, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand (incl. certain islands), Tunisia, Turkey, The Ukraine, United arab emirates, Uruguay, USA (majority of states, incl. Hawaii), Uzbekistan, the Vatican, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yugoslavia...


 [ Brazílie 2000 ]
Brazil - Copacabana
 [ Island 1994 ]
 [ Japonsko 2003 ]
 [ Mexiko 1989 ]
 [ Srí Lanka 1998 ]
Sri Lanka
 [ Tunisko 1991 ]
 [ Velikonoční ostrov 1997 ]
Chile - Easter Island
 [ Vietnam 1984 ]


 [ Čína 2002 ]
 [ Kréta 1999 ]
Greece - Crete
 [ Nový Zéland 2004 ]
New Zealand
 [ Libanon ]
 [ Indie ]
 [ Guatemala ]
 [ Jordánsko ]